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This is it. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the absolutely breath-taking!

Monday, January 7, 2013

PROJECT 365-Day 7

As promised, today is the day I am introducing our smallest family member
MEET TILLY :) she's being snuggled by my oldest wee one Mady. This is one of the coolest dogs ever! She drives me crazy some days, but hey, who doesn't? She is super duper sweet. She puts up with so much, all the kids want to hold her and hug her and she's always so eager for lovins(yep, she loves the kids, it even surprised me). I used to have a chihuahua, Jellybean, back before I had kids. I had her until my oldest daughter was about 4, when she was stolen from our fenced in backyard while she was out for a bathroom break. We have Bella, and honestly, I adore her! She's my big snuggle dog, she makes me feel safe. But I think my husband always knew my heart still belonged to miss beans. That dog was the sweetest. EVER. So last Valentine's day, he tricked the heck out of me, and brought this girl home. Long story short, I was reluctant to give in and love this doggie(she's just not my Jellybean.but no doggie ever will be). It took a while, I was pregnant, and huge, and dealing with a lot and then.... I had a puppy! AHHH! All that worry for nothing though, she's a sweetie pie. She gets along with my Bella and all my kiddos!

The best part about this little girl, is that she is just, well, a cuddle bug. It doesn't matter if it's me, Mady, Lucy, or Soph. She is happy if she's in your lap or arms. This little bit completes our BIG family. She's just what was missing. One more snugly and sweet girl in our house(in case you haven't been keeping tabs....my husband is vastly outnumbered girls-7, boys-1). Now in case you also haven't notice... I'm vastly outnumbered as well! Luckily, the dogs are more forgiving than the kids. They are a bit more patient with me. All in all, couldn't be happier with this PINK TO THE BRIM house. But whew! It is hard to keep up these days! Colds are creeping in, and all in all, it's just a yucky time of year. I'm LONGING for the summer so we can get our butts out of this house more. Ah well, we will bide our time and try to keep things moving along....can't fast-forward time(though a girl can dream right) so we just need to try to pass the time as efficiently as we can! 

With that said, dishes are calling my name--so I'm off agian! *le sigh* where on earth is the cleaning fairy when you need her?

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live like someone left the gate open


like you won't get another tomorrow


like you're giggle box tipped over