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Monday, January 14, 2013

It really is the little things that matter

Well the stomach bug ravaged this house. Not one person left unscathed! Not a great past few days. But then you look at the little things. I had to throw away lucy's crib mattress(don't ask.it was gross....thank you stomach virus), luckily(WHOOO HOOO, I usually don't have good luck) I have had a full sized bed in her room. I was just afraid to transition her. She LOVED her crib, she's 2 years and 7 months old and has never climbed out of it or fussed when she had to go to bed. Often times she would lead me down the hall and tell me she'd like to get in(Mommy tears, my baby is growing up). So maybe it was a little bit of her, and me ;) But I wasn't ready yet. She's only my sweet little baby for so long. I wasn't going to push her. But alas, the mattress could NOT be saved. Evie has a crib(that she has never slept in), but I didn't think it a good idea to put her mattress in her Lucy's crib in case the same thing happened again. Anywho..... I took my fear, yep mine, and decided it was the time to put my sweet baby Lucy in her big girl bed. It went surprisingly well. I baby proofed the entire room(again). I made sure no tippy furniture was in there(literally all that is in there right now is her bed, a basket with toys, and a couple weebles houses), all outlets were covered, door was baby gated, and the closet rigged to not open....waiting for the locks to arrive so I can install them. And I have to figure out a way to properly baby proof casement windows..... This one has me puzzled.

By the time I had finished the task, Lucy had already taken herself to bed on the downstairs couch. I moved her up. She was OUT. But she still felt a little warm. So I laid her down, tucked her in, and watched her sleep for a moment before I stepped out of her room. Then I went to my room and laid with Evie for a while, unable to sleep. In the wee hours of the morning, I tiptoed back in to her room. I felt her head, it was HOT. So she rolled over and saw me and smiled and said "Hi". She absolutely melts my heart. So I asked her if she'd like a drink and she said "yes" and reached up for me. We went into the kitchen and got some pedialite and sat together on the couch. I held her and rocked her, like I've always done. She talked to me about many things(she loves to talk), finally, it was time to get her back to bed. Before we went, I had to give her some medicine. I wish I had thought to take a picture. She is such a big girl, she waits for me to pour the medicine, then I have to hand her the little cup, and she drinks it like a VERY big little thing :) my heart swells again. She hands it back and says "Tank-tou". We went back into the room, I let her play on my ipad and lay with me for a bit to get her comfortable. She told me stories about her game. When we finally lay down, I turned out the light. She was fighting sleep so hard. I thought she was asleep at one point and whispered in her ear "I love you", she says in her sweet little voice "luh you". So I kept tickling her back, and playing with her hair.

Now it was incredibly late. But I didn't want to leave her. I stayed longer than I should have probably. At one point, she drifted off and then all the sudden reached up so slowly, gently touched my arm and rubbed it. Then she found my nose and kissed it. This kid really knows how to make this mommy's heart so happy! After a while more, I knew I had to get to bed. She protested. Wanted me to tuck in her baby doll(which she named Evie) and she reached for my hand. I told her it was bed time, everyone else was in bed and she had to go to sleep too. Everything I said, well I guess it wasn't convincing. Then I heard it. Evie was awake and ready to eat. She started to cry. I told Lucy "Mommy has to go get her baby now, she's hungry and needs to eat so she can go to sleep agian". Lucy let go of my hand and says "Ok. Night night". I gave her one last kiss and waited for her to say I love you back. Then I headed out of her room agian. Not a peep. Not until I went to get her the next morning. She was waiting, in her bed for me. I'm always nervous when I put a little bit of their babyhood behind them. But they usually do so very well transitioning. And as always, I try to document it. So here come the pictures!

First up
PROJECT 365-Day 12
Lucy and her transition to her big girl room

PROJECT 365-Day 13
This will explain why Lucy is most often photographed. She is usually the only one who will tolerate my camera! Poor Evie(and Mady and Sophie) get pretty cheesed after a little bit!

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live like someone left the gate open


like you won't get another tomorrow


like you're giggle box tipped over