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This is it. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the absolutely breath-taking!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

PROJECT 365-Day 5

just keep swinging, just keep swinging.
yes my baby, just keep swinging! Yet another piece of her babyhood that will soon be outgrown, her beloved swing. She's now so big, she bends and stretches and can almost get out of it. I have to be sitting very near, and make sure she falls asleep in order to make sure it's used safely. Otherwise she uses it to induce heart attacks ;)

Today is Saturday, just another Saturday. We are beginning the cleaning/de-cluttering we've been needing to do for so long! Getting ready for guests, and for that guy we've been missing for 161 days(not like I'm counting or anything). We're in the double digits on our countdown(this is where I do a happy dance), can't say exactly where we are, but let's just say, we've plowed through the days and have fewer left than we have gotten through! And I actually HAVE a countdown for when Aunt Erin arrives, and WOW! 1 month! Can you believe it? I can't! Count me one happy lady! I'm sure there will be lots of pictures to come from her visit!

Until all the fun begins, we're just going to be getting this big huge mess cleaned up! *Sigh* cleaning a whole house with all these kids, well as the saying goes "is like trying to brush your teeth while eating Oreos". So very true! But I'll start making lists, weekly goals, and we will power through(and accept that some things will not get done) and all will be well! Did I ever mention I'm a compulsive list maker? Yes, yes I am. I admit it. Are there meetings for people like me? "Hi, I'm Jes, I'm a compulsive list maker. I make lists for EVERYTHING".....multiple lists sometimes, for the same thing....if it's not organized to my liking, or if my handwriting looks wonkyt. YET, I'm so darn messy! I'm working HARD at fixing it(starting with really deep cleaning and organizing one thing at a time), whew, I just don't know how some people do it! But I'll give it a whirl :) plus, who doesn't feel a little bit better in a clean(and decorated) room? And since it's still winter, it will certainly help for photos!

Well, it's Saturday night, kids are getting ready for bed, so it's time for teeth brushing and the rest of the nightly rituals we have to do! So I must be off!! I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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live like someone left the gate open


like you won't get another tomorrow


like you're giggle box tipped over