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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Project 365-Day 6

This little piggie....
                                                                 got painted :)
yes, this sunday we decided it was time for all the girls to get some color on their nails(well aside from evie ;) and I must say, they had a blast! I can't get over Lucy's chubby little legs and tootsies though! LOVE THEM! And her. All the girls ended up picking various shades of blue(maybe they are as tired of pink as I am), and quite honestly I was jealous! I accidentally painted mine a dark, vampy reddish color.... I MEANT to paint them a taupy/purple. Oops. Wrong bottle of polish. Oh well!

Other than that I think these girls have made aim to steal my sanity in this new year. The caliber of injuries they have been having could be UFC worthy. Sophie has a busted lip, scratched up nose. These deserve explanation simply because this poor kid is as clumsy as I am. The lip is from being behind Lucy and being naughty(she tried to push Lucy out of a room), Lucy stood up quickly(she's as tall as Soph) and her head collided with Sophie's lip. Bam. Bloody and busted. Awesome :/ Then the nose.....this one is just funny. She was running, tripped on her own feet, and face-planted! She got carpet burn on the side of her nose! Mady injured her finger and Lucy actually injured her toe(ironically that's what sparked the pedicure.... it kept her from freaking out too much after I cleaned her poor hurt little piggie). Luckily Evie is unscathed(knock on wood), for now. Good lord though!You'd think having all girls would keep us from having so many bruises, bumps, and boo-boos....NOT SO!

Aside from that, I think this weekend went okay. Today was spent lazing around, being girls, and watching movies(disney, I think I love the movies more than they do. I was shushed during Aladdin for singing too loudly). Dinner was A-LA-MICROWAVE. Yes. I admit it! You know what? It was pretty yummy ;) thank you Schwan's! Now, it's bath and bedtime, so agian, I must be off. But tomorrow I think it will be the day I will introduce the smallest member of the Hogan family :) of course, pictures to come!

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live like someone left the gate open


like you won't get another tomorrow


like you're giggle box tipped over