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Monday, February 4, 2013

FINALLY ready to announce :)

Ok, we wanted to make sure we notified everyone close first before we announced it to the world! We've done just that, so now it's time to finally announce that....

yes, yes. I know. We are married. We had a courthouse wedding almost 8 years ago. We've been together for 11 years. We have 4 children.

Here's the thing, we never had a REAL wedding. We've always said "One day" we will. One day has come and gone and 8 years of being married has glanced past us. We learned a very valuable lesson in 2011. We learned that tomorrow is not promised. We learned this lesson by losing someone very close, and realizing that he can't be there to walk me down the aisle literally breaks my heart. My daddy was a special man, who always put his family first. He also always let you know what he was thinking, regardless of if you wanted to know or not ;) God love him, he made me mad sometimes, but more times than that, he was there for me. Good, bad, and everything in between--he was there. And unfortunately, in waiting so long to celebrate our marriage, I won't get to have him sitting there with me physically. I'll carry him in my heart that day, just like every day. But yes. We decided after enduring all that we have, as a couple, as a married couple, and as a family that it is TIME to finally celebrate that.

This is so special to me because, well, almost every girl dreams of her wedding. That special moment in time, standing there with the person you will commit the rest of your life to. Celebrating with your family. For us, now, it's so much more than that. We've been married for 8 years(this month), we've endured 4 deployments, had 4 amazing little girls, went through so many great things, and so many things that could have ripped us apart. We've come out the other side, together. We've weathered the sunny days and the storms and STILL love each other and want to recommit ourselves to one another. It's more than a wedding. It is Travis and I FINALLY taking the time to celebrate OUR MARRIAGE! He and I don't ever really do anything for ourselves, and in that respect, this is also for our family as well. Our bond is stronger than it's ever been and I want our girls to see that. I want them to see just how much love we have for them AND for each other. A real life fairytale. And we're already living happily ever after. So there it is :) our big news!!

We wanted to wait and announce this to family first because we've got some very special people in our lives who just recently got engaged! I could NOT be happier for them to start their journey together! 2 couples that I just KNOW are going to be amazingly beautiful as husband and wife :) I don't ever want to take away from their special time together in the coming months as they spend their last moments before taking the plunge into marriage, planning their own beautiful weddings! I wanted to make sure they know my excitement and love for them, and for their special days as well. And with that, I hope you all, married or not, take a moment to tell the person you love that you love them. I have learned a few things in my life and marriage, first being that you can't ever hear "I love you" enough, second being that you do not know what tomorrow holds and that it isn't promised, and third being that you should always treasure what you have right now. The saying that you don't know what you have until it's gone is true, but you can combat that with living in the moment and loving those you have as hard as you can, every single day.

I hope everyone's February is going well, I have a VERY special person coming to visit us in just 3 DAYS!!! SQUEEEEEEEEE! AUNT ERIN!!!!!!! On that note, I must run, it's time to do some dishes and make my house look a little less messy before I welcome my very best friend :) HURRY UP THURSDAY!

1 comment:


live like someone left the gate open


like you won't get another tomorrow


like you're giggle box tipped over